Automatisieren des Exports von Layern in Dateien

Ich habe viele .psdDateien, die jeweils mehr als 2 Ebenen enthalten, die ich als Ebenen exportieren muss. Für eine einzelne psdDatei kann ich verwenden:

File > Scripts > Export Layers To Files ...

Wenn ich dieses Skript jedoch (in einem Droplet) verwende, muss ich den Zielordner und das Dateinamenpräfix fest codieren. Dies ist nicht gut, da viele der .psdDateien Ebenen mit denselben Namen enthalten, sodass sie sich gegenseitig überschreiben würden und ich brauche, dass jeder Datei der .psdName vorangestellt wird. Eine Ebene, die text_1von einer .psdDatei namens aufgerufen wird, doc_1würde also aufgerufen werden doc_1_text_1, und eine Ebene, die text_1von einer .psdDatei namens aufgerufen wird, doc_2würde aufgerufen werden doc_2_text_1oder etwas Ähnliches.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dies zu tun? Ich kann den Zielordner gerne fest codieren, aber ich brauche das Skript, um den Namen der .psdDatei für das Präfix zu verwenden.

Antworten (2)

Ich habe dazu ein jsx-Skript gehackt, das auf dem Skript „Ebenen in Dateien exportieren“ basiert. Es unterstützt nur den PNG24-Export und hat keinen Dialog. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Sie die Ebene zuschneiden möchten und der Pfad zu dem Ordner, in den Sie exportieren möchten, im Skript selbst fest codiert ist. Um den Ordner festzulegen, ändern Sie den Wert von exportPathin einen absoluten Pfad.

// enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop

// Globals

var exportPath = "/Users/pedr/Documents/Work/Clients/Pathways/Learning_Hub/Source/Comics/export";
exportPath = exportPath + '/layers';
// UI strings to be localized
var strTitle = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Title=X2L");
var strButtonRun = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Run=Run");
var strButtonCancel = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Cancel=Cancel");
var strHelpText = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Help=Please specify the format and location for saving each layer as a file.");
var strLabelDestination = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Destination=Destination:");
var strButtonBrowse = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Browse=&Browse...");
var strLabelFileNamePrefix = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/FileNamePrefix=File Name Prefix:");
var strCheckboxVisibleOnly = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/VisibleOnly=&Visible Layers Only");
var strLabelFileType = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/FileType=File Type:");
var strCheckboxIncludeICCProfile = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/IncludeICC=&Include ICC Profile");
var strJPEGOptions = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/JPEGOptions=JPEG Options:");
var strLabelQuality = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Quality=Quality:");
var strCheckboxMaximizeCompatibility = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Maximize=&Maximize Compatibility");
var strTIFFOptions = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/TIFFOptions=TIFF Options:");
var strLabelImageCompression = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/ImageCompression=Image Compression:");
var strNone = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/None=None");
var strPDFOptions = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/PDFOptions=PDF Options:");
var strLabelEncoding = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Encoding=Encoding:");
var strTargaOptions = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/TargaOptions=Targa Options:");
var strLabelDepth = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Depth=Depth:");
var strRadiobutton16bit = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Bit16=16bit");
var strRadiobutton24bit = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Bit24=24bit");
var strRadiobutton32bit = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Bit32=32bit");
var strBMPOptions = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/BMPOptions=BMP Options:");
var strAlertSpecifyDestination = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/SpecifyDestination=Please specify destination.");
var strAlertDestinationNotExist = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/DestionationDoesNotExist=Destination does not exist.");
var strTitleSelectDestination = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/SelectDestination=Select Destination");
var strAlertDocumentMustBeOpened = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/OneDocument=You must have a document open to export!");
var strAlertNeedMultipleLayers = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/NoLayers=You need a document with multiple layers to export!");
var strAlertWasSuccessful = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Success= was successful.");
var strUnexpectedError = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Unexpected=Unexpected error");
var strMessage = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Message=X2L");
var stretQuality = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/X2L/ETQualityLength=30" );
var stretDestination = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/X2L/ETDestinationLength=160" );
var strddFileType = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/X2L/DDFileType=100" );
var strpnlOptions = localize( "$$$/locale_specific/JavaScripts/X2L/PNLOptions=100" );
var strPNG8Options = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/PNG8Options=PNG-8 Options:");
var strCheckboxPNGTransparency = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Transparency=Transparency");
var strCheckboxPNGInterlaced = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Interlaced=Interlaced");
var strCheckboxPNGTrm = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/Trim=Trim Layers");
var strPNG24Options = localize("$$$/JavaScripts/X2L/PNG24Options=PNG-24 Options:");

// the drop down list indexes for file type
var png24Index = 7;


// Functions

// Function: main
// Usage: the core routine for this script
// Input: <none>
// Return: <none>
function main() {
    if ( app.documents.length <= 0 ) {
        if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
            alert( strAlertDocumentMustBeOpened );
        return 'cancel'; // quit, returning 'cancel' (dont localize) makes the actions palette not record our script

    var exportInfo = new Object();


    // look for last used params via Photoshop registry, getCustomOptions will throw if none exist
    try {

    catch(e) {
        // it's ok if we don't have any options, continue with defaults

    try {
        var docName =;  // save the app.activeDocument name before duplicate.

        var layerCount = app.documents[docName].layers.length;
        var layerSetsCount = app.documents[docName].layerSets.length;

        if ((layerCount <= 1)&&(layerSetsCount <= 0)) {
            if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
                alert( strAlertNeedMultipleLayers );
            return 'cancel'; // quit, returning 'cancel' (dont localize) makes the actions palette not record our script
        } else {

            var rememberMaximize;
            var needMaximize = exportInfo.psdMaxComp ? QueryStateType.ALWAYS : QueryStateType.NEVER;

            app.activeDocument = app.documents[docName];
            var duppedDocument = app.activeDocument.duplicate();
            duppedDocument.activeLayer = duppedDocument.layers[duppedDocument.layers.length-1]; // for removing

            exportChildren(duppedDocument, app.documents[docName], exportInfo, duppedDocument, exportInfo.fileNamePrefix);
            duppedDocument.close( SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES );

            if ( rememberMaximize != undefined ) {
                app.preferences.maximizeCompatibility = rememberMaximize;

            if ( DialogModes.ALL == app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
                //alert(strTitle + strAlertWasSuccessful);

            app.playbackDisplayDialogs = DialogModes.ALL;

    } catch (e) {
        if ( DialogModes.NO != app.playbackDisplayDialogs ) {
        return 'cancel'; // quit, returning 'cancel' (dont localize) makes the actions palette not record our script

// Function: settingDialog
// Usage: pop the ui and get user settings
// Input: exportInfo object containing our parameters
// Return: on ok, the dialog info is set to the exportInfo object
function settingDialog(exportInfo) {

// Function: hideAllFileTypePanel
// Usage: hide all the panels in the common actions
// Input: <none>, dlgMain is a global for this script
// Return: <none>, all panels are now hidden
function hideAllFileTypePanel() {

// Function: initExportInfo
// Usage: create our default parameters
// Input: a new Object
// Return: a new object with params set to default
function initExportInfo(exportInfo) {
    //exportInfo.destination = new String(exportPath);
    exportInfo.fileNamePrefix = new String("untitled_");
    exportInfo.visibleOnly = false;
    exportInfo.fileType = png24Index;
    exportInfo.icc = true;
    exportInfo.png24Transparency = true;
    exportInfo.png24Interlaced = false;
    exportInfo.png24Trim = true;

    try {
        exportInfo.destination = Folder(new String(exportPath)).fsName; // destination folder
        var tmp =;
        exportInfo.fileNamePrefix = decodeURI(tmp.substring(0, tmp.indexOf("."))); // filename body part
    } catch(someError) {
        exportInfo.destination = new String(exportPath);
        exportInfo.fileNamePrefix =; // filename body part

// Function: saveFile
// Usage: the worker routine, take our params and save the file accordingly
// Input: reference to the document, the name of the output file, 
//        export info object containing more information
// Return: <none>, a file on disk
function saveFile( docRef, fileNameBody, exportInfo) {

            saveFile(docRef, fileNameBody, exportInfo, false, true);
            function saveFile( docRef, fileNameBody, exportInfo, interlacedValue, transparencyValue) {
            var id6 = charIDToTypeID( "Expr" );
                var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var id7 = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
                    var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var id8 = charIDToTypeID( "Op  " );
                    var id9 = charIDToTypeID( "SWOp" );
                    var id10 = charIDToTypeID( "OpSa" );
                    desc4.putEnumerated( id8, id9, id10 );
                    var id11 = charIDToTypeID( "Fmt " );
                    var id12 = charIDToTypeID( "IRFm" );
                    var id13 = charIDToTypeID( "PN24" );
                    desc4.putEnumerated( id11, id12, id13 );
                    var id14 = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id14, interlacedValue );
                    var id15 = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id15, transparencyValue );
                    var id16 = charIDToTypeID( "Mtt " );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id16, true );
                    var id17 = charIDToTypeID( "MttR" );
                    desc4.putInteger( id17, 255 );
                    var id18 = charIDToTypeID( "MttG" );
                    desc4.putInteger( id18, 255 );
                    var id19 = charIDToTypeID( "MttB" );
                    desc4.putInteger( id19, 255 );
                    var id20 = charIDToTypeID( "SHTM" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id20, false );
                    var id21 = charIDToTypeID( "SImg" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id21, true );
                    var id22 = charIDToTypeID( "SSSO" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id22, false );
                    var id23 = charIDToTypeID( "SSLt" );
                        var list1 = new ActionList();
                    desc4.putList( id23, list1 );
                    var id24 = charIDToTypeID( "DIDr" );
                    desc4.putBoolean( id24, false );
                    var id25 = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
                    desc4.putPath( id25, new File( exportPath + "/" + fileNameBody + ".png") );

                var id26 = stringIDToTypeID( "SaveForWeb" );
                desc3.putObject( id7, id26, desc4 );
            executeAction( id6, desc3, DialogModes.NO );


// Function: zeroSuppress
// Usage: return a string padded to digit(s)
// Input: num to convert, digit count needed
// Return: string padded to digit length
function zeroSuppress (num, digit) {
    var tmp = num.toString();
    while (tmp.length < digit) {
        tmp = "0" + tmp;
    return tmp;

// Function: setInvisibleAllArtLayers
// Usage: unlock and make invisible all art layers, recursively
// Input: document or layerset
// Return: all art layers are unlocked and invisible
function setInvisibleAllArtLayers(obj) {
    for( var i = 0; i < obj.artLayers.length; i++) {
        obj.artLayers[i].allLocked = false;
        obj.artLayers[i].visible = false;
    for( var i = 0; i < obj.layerSets.length; i++) {

// Function: removeAllInvisibleArtLayers
// Usage: remove all the invisible art layers, recursively
// Input: document or layer set
// Return: <none>, all layers that were invisible are now gone
function removeAllInvisibleArtLayers(obj) {
    for( var i = obj.artLayers.length-1; 0 <= i; i--) {
        try {
            if(!obj.artLayers[i].visible) {
        catch (e) {
    for( var i = obj.layerSets.length-1; 0 <= i; i--) {

// Function: removeAllEmptyLayerSets
// Usage: find all empty layer sets and remove them, recursively
// Input: document or layer set
// Return: empty layer sets are now gone
function removeAllEmptyLayerSets(obj) {
    var foundEmpty = true;
    for( var i = obj.layerSets.length-1; 0 <= i; i--) {
        if( removeAllEmptyLayerSets(obj.layerSets[i])) {
        } else {
            foundEmpty = false;
    if (obj.artLayers.length > 0) {
        foundEmpty = false;
    return foundEmpty;

// Function: zeroSuppress
// Usage: return a string padded to digit(s)
// Input: num to convert, digit count needed
// Return: string padded to digit length
function removeAllInvisible(docRef) {

// Function: exportChildren
// Usage: find all the children in this document to save
// Input: duplicate document, original document, export info,
//        reference to document, starting file name
// Return: <none>, documents are saved accordingly
function exportChildren(dupObj, orgObj, exportInfo, dupDocRef, fileNamePrefix) {
    for( var i = 0; i < dupObj.artLayers.length; i++) {
        if (exportInfo.visibleOnly) { // visible layer only
            if (!orgObj.artLayers[i].visible) {
        dupObj.artLayers[i].visible = true;

        var layerName = dupObj.artLayers[i].name;  // store layer name before change doc
        var duppedDocumentTmp = dupDocRef.duplicate();
        if ((png24Index == exportInfo.fileType)||(png8Index == exportInfo.fileType)) { // PSD: Keep transparency


                    if (activeDocument.activeLayer.isBackgroundLayer == false) { //is it anything but a background layer?


        } else { // just flatten
        // Edit
        var docName =;
        // For some reason indexOf fails if we include the '-', so we use 'copy' and decrement the index by 1.
        docName = docName.slice(0, docName.indexOf('copy')-1);
        var fileNameBody = (docName+'_'+layerName).toLowerCase();
        fileNameBody = fileNameBody.replace(/[:\/\\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g, "_");  // '/\:*?"<>|' -> '_'
        if (fileNameBody.length > 120) {
            fileNameBody = fileNameBody.substring(0,120);

        saveFile(duppedDocumentTmp, fileNameBody, exportInfo);

        dupObj.artLayers[i].visible = false;
    for( var i = 0; i < dupObj.layerSets.length; i++) {
        if (exportInfo.visibleOnly) { // visible layer only
            if (!orgObj.layerSets[i].visible) {
        var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
        fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
        exportChildren(dupObj.layerSets[i], orgObj.layerSets[i], exportInfo, dupDocRef, fileNameBody);  // recursive call

// Function: objectToDescriptor
// Usage: create an ActionDescriptor from a JavaScript Object
// Input: JavaScript Object (o)
//        object unique string (s)
//        Pre process converter (f)
// Return: ActionDescriptor
// NOTE: Only boolean, string, number and UnitValue are supported, use a pre processor
//       to convert (f) other types to one of these forms.
// REUSE: This routine is used in other scripts. Please update those if you 
//        modify. I am not using include or eval statements as I want these 
//        scripts self contained.
function objectToDescriptor (o, s, f) {
    o = {};
    var d = new ActionDescriptor;
    var l =;
    d.putString( app.charIDToTypeID( 'Msge' ), s );
    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
        var k =[i].toString();
        if (k == "__proto__" || k == "__count__" || k == "__class__" || k == "reflect")
        var v = o[ k ];
        k = app.stringIDToTypeID(k);
        switch ( typeof(v) ) {
            case "boolean":
                d.putBoolean(k, v);
            case "string":
                d.putString(k, v);
            case "number":
                d.putDouble(k, v);
                if ( v instanceof UnitValue ) {
                    var uc = new Object;
                    uc["px"] = charIDToTypeID("#Rlt"); // unitDistance
                    uc["%"] = charIDToTypeID("#Prc"); // unitPercent
                    d.putUnitDouble(k, uc[v.type], v.value);
                } else {
                    throw( new Error("Unsupported type in objectToDescriptor " + typeof(v) ) );
    return d;

// Function: descriptorToObject
// Usage: update a JavaScript Object from an ActionDescriptor
// Input: JavaScript Object (o), current object to update (output)
//        Photoshop ActionDescriptor (d), descriptor to pull new params for object from
//        object unique string (s)
//        JavaScript Function (f), post process converter utility to convert
// Return: Nothing, update is applied to passed in JavaScript Object (o)
// NOTE: Only boolean, string, number and UnitValue are supported, use a post processor
//       to convert (f) other types to one of these forms.
// REUSE: This routine is used in other scripts. Please update those if you 
//        modify. I am not using include or eval statements as I want these 
//        scripts self contained.
function descriptorToObject (o, d, s, f) {
    var l = d.count;
    if (l) {
        var keyMessage = app.charIDToTypeID( 'Msge' );
        if ( d.hasKey(keyMessage) && ( s != d.getString(keyMessage) )) return;
    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
        var k = d.getKey(i); // i + 1 ?
        var t = d.getType(k);
        strk = app.typeIDToStringID(k);
        switch (t) {
            case DescValueType.BOOLEANTYPE:
                o[strk] = d.getBoolean(k);
            case DescValueType.STRINGTYPE:
                o[strk] = d.getString(k);
            case DescValueType.DOUBLETYPE:
                o[strk] = d.getDouble(k);
            case DescValueType.UNITDOUBLE:
                var uc = new Object;
                uc[charIDToTypeID("#Rlt")] = "px"; // unitDistance
                uc[charIDToTypeID("#Prc")] = "%"; // unitPercent
                uc[charIDToTypeID("#Pxl")] = "px"; // unitPixels
                var ut = d.getUnitDoubleType(k);
                var uv = d.getUnitDoubleValue(k);
                o[strk] = new UnitValue( uv, uc[ut] );
            case DescValueType.INTEGERTYPE:
            case DescValueType.ALIASTYPE:
            case DescValueType.CLASSTYPE:
            case DescValueType.ENUMERATEDTYPE:
            case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
            case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
            case DescValueType.RAWTYPE:
            case DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE:
                throw( new Error("Unsupported type in descriptorToObject " + t ) );
    if (undefined != f) {
        o = f(o);

// Function: preProcessExportInfo
// Usage: convert Photoshop enums to strings for storage
// Input: JavaScript Object of my params for this script
// Return: JavaScript Object with objects converted for storage
function preProcessExportInfo(o) {
    o.tiffCompression = o.tiffCompression.toString();
    o.pdfEncoding = o.pdfEncoding.toString();
    o.targaDepth = o.targaDepth.toString();
    o.bmpDepth = o.bmpDepth.toString();
    return o;

// Function: postProcessExportInfo
// Usage: convert strings from storage to Photoshop enums
// Input: JavaScript Object of my params in string form
// Return: JavaScript Object with objects in enum form
function postProcessExportInfo(o) {
    o.tiffCompression = eval(o.tiffCompression);
    o.pdfEncoding = eval(o.pdfEncoding);
    o.targaDepth = eval(o.targaDepth);
    o.bmpDepth = eval(o.bmpDepth);
    return o;

// Function: StrToIntWithDefault
// Usage: convert a string to a number, first stripping all characters
// Input: string and a default number
// Return: a number
function StrToIntWithDefault( s, n ) {
    var onlyNumbers = /[^0-9]/g;
    var t = s.replace( onlyNumbers, "" );
    t = parseInt( t );
    if ( ! isNaN( t ) ) {
        n = t;
    return n;
// End X2L.jsx
Ich möchte dasselbe tun, aber es sieht so aus, als wäre der Link veraltet. Gibt es einen aktualisierten Link? Ich würde gerne dieses Skript verwenden. Danke!
@Jenn Entschuldigung, es ist spät. Hoffentlich noch nützlich für Sie. Ersetzen Sie den Exportpfad durch einen absoluten Pfad in Ihrem Dateisystem.…

Hallo zusammen und dies ist mein erster Beitrag.

Ich dachte, es hätte ein einfacher Kommentar sein sollen, da ich anscheinend nicht in der Lage bin, die spezifische Codezeile zu finden, um diese Angelegenheit viel schneller zu lösen, als sie durch integrierte Skripte und frühere Posterlösungen gelöst wird, da ich jedoch keinen Ruf habe 50+ kann ich dazu aber nichts sagen und muss stattdessen antworten.

Mein Vorschlag ist also, einfach die obige Codedatei zu verwenden, die fast identisch mit der mitgelieferten Adobe PS-Vorlage zu sein scheint.

Eine Änderung wird jedoch empfohlen.

////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // Funktion: zeroSuppress // Verwendung: gibt einen String zurück, der zu Ziffer(n) aufgefüllt wird // Input : zu konvertierende Zahl, Anzahl der Ziffern erforderlich // Rückgabe: String aufgefüllt auf Ziffernlänge ///////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// Funktion removeAllInvisible(docRef ) {

// Beachten Sie den Kommentar unten

// AlleInvisibleArtLayers(docRef) entfernen;



sollten auskommentiert werden, um die Ausführung zu beschleunigen.

Wenn jemand den effizientesten Weg zum Abflachen des Bildes in dieser Funktion posten kann, sollten wir vorzugsweise einen funktionierenden Code haben, der für den oben beschriebenen Zweck viel effizienter ist.

Verzeihen Sie meinen Neuling, aber ich studiere "LEAN-Produktionstheorie" und nicht "Grafikdesign" an meiner örtlichen Hochschule.