Der neueste Token von Zeppelin SampleCrowdsale.sol wurde aus dem Vertrag entfernt?

Wirklich neu bei Solidity, aber ich habe mich an diese Anleitung gehalten:

Nur habe ich die neueste zeppelin-solidity( 1.7.0) verwendet, die laut diesem Commit die Token-Erstellung außerhalb des Crowdsale-Vertrags verschoben hat.

Wenn ich folgendes habe TestTokenCrowdsale.sol:

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/crowdsale/validation/CappedCrowdsale.sol";
import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/crowdsale/distribution/RefundableCrowdsale.sol";
import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/crowdsale/emission/MintedCrowdsale.sol";
import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/MintableToken.sol";

 * @title SampleCrowdsaleToken
 * @dev Very simple ERC20 Token that can be minted.
 * It is meant to be used in a crowdsale contract.
contract SampleCrowdsaleToken is MintableToken {

  string public constant name = "Sample Crowdsale Token"; // solium-disable-line uppercase
  string public constant symbol = "SCT"; // solium-disable-line uppercase
  uint8 public constant decimals = 18; // solium-disable-line uppercase


 * @title SampleCrowdsale
 * @dev This is an example of a fully fledged crowdsale.
 * The way to add new features to a base crowdsale is by multiple inheritance.
 * In this example we are providing following extensions:
 * CappedCrowdsale - sets a max boundary for raised funds
 * RefundableCrowdsale - set a min goal to be reached and returns funds if it's not met
 * After adding multiple features it's good practice to run integration tests
 * to ensure that subcontracts works together as intended.
contract SampleCrowdsale is CappedCrowdsale, RefundableCrowdsale, MintedCrowdsale {

  function SampleCrowdsale(uint256 _openingTime, uint256 _closingTime, uint256 _rate, address _wallet, uint256 _cap, MintableToken _token, uint256 _goal) public
    Crowdsale(_rate, _wallet, _token)
    TimedCrowdsale(_openingTime, _closingTime)
    //As goal needs to be met for a successful crowdsale
    //the value needs to less or equal than a cap which is limit for accepted funds
    require(_goal <= _cap);


Hier ist meine 2_deploy_contracts.js:

const SampleCrowdsale = artifacts.require(“./TestTokenCrowdsale.sol”)

module.exports = function(deployer, network, accounts) {
    const openingTime =|0 + 120;
    const closingTime = openingTime + (3600 * 1 * 1); // *1 hour *1 days
    const ethRate = new web3.BigNumber(100);
    const wallet = accounts[0];
    const cap = 100000000000000000000;
    const goal = 200000000000000000000;

deployer.deploy(SampleCrowdsale, openingTime, closingTime, ethRate, wallet, cap, goal);

Beim Ausführen turffle migrate --reseterhalte ich folgenden Fehler:

~/src/test-token $ truffle migrate --reset
Using network 'development'.

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
  Replacing Migrations...
  ... 0x2e09c8647174d6fd5b26e2269d3d725b75d44881f27ad735323aca8fd19a517f
  Migrations: 0xecfcab0a285d3380e488a39b4bb21e777f8a4eac
Saving successful migration to network...
  ... 0xd656595c57159a378d57439d8f0297d077c03ec39adfdac561dbfb8260758db3
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
  Deploying SampleCrowdsale...
Error encountered, bailing. Network state unknown. Review successful transactions manually.
Error: SampleCrowdsale contract constructor expected 7 arguments, received 6
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/~/truffle-contract/contract.js:390:1
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/~/truffle-contract/contract.js:374:1
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:118:7)

Was vermisse ich?

ähnliche Lösung versucht, aber:: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Fehler: Der Vertragscode konnte nicht gespeichert werden, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Gasmenge. unter Object.callback (C:\Users\vveko\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\~\web3\lib\web3\contract.js:147:1) unter C:\Users\vveko \AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\~\web3\lib\web3\method.js:142:1 unter C:\Users\vveko\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build \webpack:\~\web3\lib\web3\requestmanager.js:89:1 unter C:\Users\vveko\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\~\truffle-migrate\index. js:225:1 unter C:\Use
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Antworten (1)

Ihnen fehlt ein Konstruktorargument. Ihre MintableToken-Adresse, um genau zu sein.

Versuchen Sie zuerst, Ihren Token bereitzustellen, dann Ihren Crowdsale und geben Sie einfach die Adresse dieses Tokens ein

  deployer.deploy(SampleCrowdsale, openingTime, closingTime, ethRate, wallet, cap, YourToken.address, goal).then( async () => {
    const instance = await OurCrowdsale.deployed();
    const token = await;
    console.log('Token Address', token);