Eine Möglichkeit, die Erstellung von flashbaren ZIPs zu automatisieren

Meine Frage lautet also: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Erstellung von flashbaren ZIP-Archiven zu automatisieren, um zu vermeiden, dass ich das Updater-Skript und die Update-Binärdatei jedes Mal selbst schreiben muss, wenn ich eine ZIP-Datei erstellen möchte?

Außerdem müssen die ZIP-Archive nur eine Anwendung als System-App installieren . Wie könnte ich eine solche Aufgabe ausführen, vorzugsweise ohne die Hilfe einer externen App?

Antworten (2)

Da ich nichts finden konnte, was meinen Bedürfnissen entsprach, beschloss ich, selbst ein kleines Drehbuch zu schreiben. Es steht jedem offen, der es braucht.


#This variable is used to calculate the time took by the various operations
#Altering it will result in badly calculated elapsed time

#This variable saves the path where the script resides
#DO NOT ALTER IT, or the whole script will fail with unpredictable errors
scriptDir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"

#This function verifies if there's at least an APK in the script's folder
#///Beginning of function "apkChecker"///
function apkChecker {
 echo "[INFO] Checking if at least an APK file is present..."
 if [ "$(ls "$scriptDir" | grep "\.apk$")" != "$(cat /dev/null)" ]; then
  echo "[INFO] At least one APK file has been found."
  echo "[FATAL] No APK file found. Aborting."
#///End of function "apkChecker"///

#This function checks if the required tools (aapt and zip) are installed
#///Beginning of function "depencenciesChecker"///
function dependenciesChecker {
 echo "[INFO] Checking if both the aapt and zip utilities are installed..."

 whence -v aapt &> /dev/null
 isAaptAbsent="$(echo $?)"

 whence -v zip &> /dev/null
 isZipAbsent="$(echo $?)"

 case "$isAaptAbsent" in
   case "$isZipAbsent" in
     echo "[INFO] Both aapt and zip have been found."
     unset "isAaptAbsent" "isZipAbsent"
     echo "[FATAL] zip cannot be found. Aborting."
   case "$isZipAbsent" in
     echo "[FATAL] aapt cannot be found. Aborting."
     echo "[FATAL] Neither aapt nor zip can be found. Aborting."
#///End of function "dependenciesChecker"///

#This function relies on aapt, and is meant to retrieve the app's name from the given APK
#Notice that only the first APK in a list gets picked
#///Beginning of function "appNameRetriever"///
function appNameRetriever {
 echo "[INFO] Retrieving app name from the provided APK..."
 apkFile="$(ls "$scriptDir" | grep "\.apk$" | head -n 1)"
 appName="$(aapt d badging "$scriptDir"/"$apkFile")"
 appName="$(printf "%s" $appName)"
#///End of function "appNameRetriever"///

#This function creates the tree used by the ZIP (namely, the META-INF/com/google/android and appName folders)
#It also copies the previously picked APK to the appName folder, renaming it in the process
#///Beginning of function "folderTreeCreator"///
function folderTreeCreator {
 echo "[INFO] Creating ZIP folder tree and placing the APK to be flashed inside it..."
 mkdir -p ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android"
 mkdir -p ""$scriptDir"/$appName/$appName"
 cp ""$scriptDir"/""$apkFile""" ""$scriptDir"/$appName/$appName/$appName.apk"
#///End of function "folderTreeCreator"///

#This function creates a dummy updater-script, which server mainly for aesthetical purposes
#///Beginning of function "updaterScriptCreator"///
function updaterScriptCreator {
 echo "[INFO] Creating dummy updater-script..."
 echo -n "#This is a dummy file. The magic is in the update-binary, which is a shell script." > ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"
#///End of function "updaterScriptCreator"///

#=== BEGINNING OF "update-binary" WRITING SECTION ===
#From now on, the functions whose name begins with "sectionWriter", are used to assemble the update-binary

#This function writes the function and variables used for outputting things when flashing, to update-binary
#Thanks to Chainfire @ XDA, which seems to have been the first to implement them
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_header"///
function sectionWriter_header {
 echo "[INFO] Writing variables and functions prototypes to update-binary..."
 cat <<-EOF > ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"


ui_print() {
 echo -ne "ui_print \$1\n" > /proc/self/fd/\$OUTFD
 echo -ne "ui_print\n" > /proc/self/fd/\$OUTFD

#///End of function "sectionWriter_header"///

#This function writes the title of the ZIP (which contains the human-readable app name of the APK), to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_zipName"///
function sectionWriter_zipName {
 echo "[INFO] Writing script title to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print ""
ui_print "******************************"
ui_print " $displayedName Flashable ZIP "
ui_print " made by EDGAR, written by "
ui_print " Death Mask Salesman "
ui_print "******************************"
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_zipName"///

#This function writes the instructions necessary to mount the system partition in read-write mode, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_systemRwMount"///
function sectionWriter_systemRwMount {
 echo "[INFO] Writing mount instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Mounting /system in read-write mode..."
mount /system
mount -o remount,rw /system
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_systemRwMount"///

#This function writes the instructions to check for the Android version, to update-binary
#Notice that only JB, KK, LP and MM are supported, for now. That means a vast plethora of devices
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_osVersionChecker"///
function sectionWriter_osVersionChecker {
 echo "[INFO] Writing OS checking instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Checking Android version..."
androidVersion="\$(cat /system/build.prop | grep 'ro\.build\.version\.release')"

case "\$androidVersion" in
  ui_print "~ Android Jelly Bean (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android KitKat (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android Lollipop (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android Marshmallow (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Your Android version (\$androidVersion) is either obsolete or still unsupported."
  ui_print "~ Unmounting /system and aborting."
  umount /system

#///End of function "sectionWriter_osVersionChecker"///

#This function writes the instructions needed to unpack the ZIP to a temporary location, to update-binary
#This procedure is needed to obtain the APK to be installed as system app
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_zipUnpacker"///
function sectionWriter_zipUnpacker {
 echo "[INFO] Writing ZIP unpacking instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Extracting the ZIP to a temporary folder..."
mkdir -p "/tmp/$appName"
cd "/tmp/$appName"
unzip -o "\$ZIP"
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_zipUnpacker"///

#This function writes the bunch of instructions necessary to install the app as system, to update-binary
#As can be seen from the case-esac, almost each Android release has its specific install location
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_appInstaller"///
function sectionWriter_appInstaller {
 echo "[INFO] Writing APK installation instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Installing $displayedName..."

case "\$androidVersion" in
  cp "/tmp/$appName/$appName/$appName.apk" "/system/app/"
  cp "/tmp/$appName/$appName/$appName.apk" "/system/priv-app/"
  mkdir -p "/system/priv-app/$appName"
  cp "/tmp/$appName/$appName/$appName.apk" "/system/priv-app/$appName/"

ui_print "~ $displayedName has been installed."
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_appInstaller"///

#This function writes the instructions to change ownership, permissions and eventual SELinux context, to update-binary
#As for now, the script determines if SELinux is present by looking for the setenforce binary
#I'll probably base the check on the presence of "/sys/fs/selinux", but that has to be done in a next version 
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_validateApp"///
function sectionWriter_validateApp {
 echo "[INFO] Writing APK ownership, permission and context change instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
case "\$androidVersion" in
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
  chmod 755 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_validateApp"///

#This function writes the instructions to unmount the system partition, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_systemUnmount"///
function sectionWriter_systemUnmount {
 echo "[INFO] Writing unmount instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Unmounting /system..."
umount /system
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_systemUnmount"///

#This function writes something as a termination/goodbye message, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_goodbyeString"///
function sectionWriter_goodbyeString {
 echo "[INFO] Writing goodbye message to update-binary..."
 echo "ui_print \"Installation completed! Have a great day!\"" >> ""$scriptDir"/$appName/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
#///End of function "sectionWriter_goodbyeString"///

#=== END OF "update-binary" WRITING SECTION ===

#This function packs the META-INF and appName folders, thus creating the flashable ZIP
#DO NOT set a compression level of "0", or the produced ZIP will be corrupted
#///Beginning of function "zipPacker"///
function zipPacker {
 echo "[INFO] Packing the ZIP..."

 cd ""$scriptDir"/$appName"
 zip -qr9 $appName.zip *
#///End of function "zipPacker"///

#This function moves the compressed ZIP to the same directory of the script, and wipes the directories created by "folderTreeCreator", along with their content
#///Beginning of function "cleanup"///
function cleanup {
 echo "[INFO] Moving the flashable ZIP to "$scriptDir"..."
 mv ""$scriptDir"/$appName/$appName.zip" "$scriptDir"

 echo "[INFO] Cleaning up the folders used as ZIP base..."
 rm -rf ""$scriptDir"/$appName"
#///End of function "cleanup"///

#This is the core of the EDGAR tool
#Here, all of the previously defined functions are called in the correct order
#To add a function, and thus extend EDGAR's versatility, simply define it above, and call it below
#///Beginning of EDGAR's core///
echo "**************************************"
echo " EDGAR - Flashable ZIP creator script "
echo "    by    Death    Mask    Salesman   "
echo "**************************************"
echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo ""

echo "[INFO] Operations took "$(((SECONDS/60)/60))" hours, "$(((SECONDS/60)%60))" minutes and "$((SECONDS%60))" seconds."
echo "[INFO] All done!"
#///End of EDGAR's core///
Warum hast du das zu einem Wiki gemacht? Ist Ihnen klar, dass sein Inhalt für Änderungen offen ist?
@Firelord Ich erkenne es voll und ganz. Ich habe mich entschieden, daraus ein Wiki zu machen, weil ich möchte, dass Benutzer ihre eigenen Modifikationen (falls sie benötigt werden), Korrekturen und Ähnliches hinzufügen. Zweitens ist es nicht fair von mir, den Ruf für etwas zu stehlen, das ich codiert und veröffentlicht habe, indem ich eine Lücke in den Regeln ausnutze, selbst wenn es für andere nützlich sein könnte.
@DeathMaskSalesman Es geht nicht wirklich darum, den Ruf zu stehlen. Der Ruf ist nur eine Belohnung für gute Bemühungen, die Sie unternommen haben. Wenn Sie möchten, dass jemand das Skript korrigiert oder verbessert, kann er es normal bearbeiten. Es würde höchstwahrscheinlich sowieso genehmigt werden
@DeathMaskSalesman kannst du bitte mehr darüber erklären, wie man das benutzt? Ich verstehe nicht, wo es läuft und wie es verwendet wird? Können Sie bitte ein Beispiel für die Verwendung geben? (Aus dem Shebang-Pfad schätze ich, dass es auf einem Android-Gerät läuft?) Bietet es auch mehrere .apkPakete und solche Pakete, die native Bibliotheken enthalten?
@starfry Es soll von einem gerooteten Android-Gerät ausgeführt werden. Angenommen, sein Speicherort ist das Stammverzeichnis des internen Speichers. Sie müssen Ihr APK Ihrer Wahl im selben Verzeichnis wie das Skript platzieren, dann ein Terminal öffnen und su. Weisen Sie als nächstes cdbis /data/media/0die richtigen Berechtigungen mit zu chmod 777 ./script_name.sh, wobei script_nameder Name ist, den Sie einer Datei mit dem Inhalt in dieser Antwort zugewiesen haben. Um erfolgreich ein flashbares ZIP zu erstellen, müssen auf Ihrem Gerät sowohl die aapt- als auch die zip- Binärdateien installiert sein. Sobald die Bedingungen erfüllt sind, führen Sie das Skript aus ...
@starfry ... mit ./script_name.sh. Das Skript ( EDGAR ) erstellt die Struktur der flashbaren ZIP, schreibt das Updater-Skript und die Update-Binary , kopiert die APK in den entsprechenden Ordner der ZIP, komprimiert die eigentliche ZIP und verschiebt sie in das Verzeichnis des Skripts und löscht die Raw-Ordner, die es dabei erstellt hat. Das Skript kann (ab sofort) flashbare ZIPs von eigenständigen APK-Dateien erstellen; keine Bibliotheken. Das ZIP an sich kann auf Android-Geräten von 4.1.x bis 6.0.x geflasht werden (Android N konnte nicht getestet werden): Die Update-Binärdatei kümmert sich um alle Berechtigungen und SELinux-Kontexte.
Nun, das hat beim ersten Mal funktioniert! Ich werde mir ein wenig Zeit nehmen, um es zu verstehen, und dann hoffentlich eine Version erstellen, die mehrere ZIPS verarbeitet und alle Bibliotheken an der richtigen Stelle installiert. Ich lasse Sie wissen, wie ich vorankomme.
@starfry Freut mich, dass es funktioniert hat, und halte mich bitte über deine Fortschritte auf dem Laufenden. Vielleicht schreibe ich das in der Zwischenzeit um.
@DeathMaskSalesman Ich habe es unter Linux ausgeführt (sobald ich aapt installiert wurde ). Die einzige Änderung war zu shebang ( /bin/sh) und zur Verwendung whichanstelle von whence. Morgen werde ich versuchen, es in mehreren Paketen zu machen, aber das reicht für heute!

Ich habe das Skript von @DeathMaskSalesman genommen und es so erweitert, dass es ein ZIP erstellt, das alle .apkim aktuellen Verzeichnis gefundenen Pakete enthält, und sowohl diese Pakete als auch die darin enthaltenen Bibliotheken installiert.

# Swap the above two lines as appropriate: Linux: /bin/sh; Android: /system/bin/sh

#This variable is used to calculate the time took by the various operations
#Altering it will result in badly calculated elapsed time

#This variable saves the path where the script resides
#DO NOT ALTER IT, or the whole script will fail with unpredictable errors
scriptDir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"

# This defines the name of the created ZIP

# This defines the name of the temporary directory where
# the ZIP structure will be built

rm -rf "$ZIPDIR" "$ZIPFILE" # Uncomment to automatically remove pre-existing ZIP

#This defines the path to the update-binary within the ZIPDIR

#Helper function to abort: prints fatal error message and exits
abort() { echo '[FATAL] '$*; exit 1; }

#Aborts unless listed dependencies are satisfied
depend() {
  for dep in "$@"
    which "${dep}" &> /dev/null || \
      abort 'Missing dependency '${dep}' (required: '$@')'

#This function relies on aapt, and is meant to retrieve the app's name from the given APK
#///Beginning of function "appNameRetriever"///
#Sets globals $displayedName to the app name with whitespace intact
#             $appName to the app name with whitespace removed
#             $apkFile to the path passed in as $1
function appNameRetriever {
 echo "[INFO] Retrieving app name from $1..."
 appName="$(aapt d badging "$apkFile")"
 appName="$(printf "%s" $appName)"
#///End of function "appNameRetriever"///

#This function creates the directory structure required inside ZIP
init() {
  [[ -e "$1" ]] && abort "Cannot initialize '$1'; already exists"
  echo "[INFO] Initializing ZIP structure..."
  mkdir -p "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android"
#///End of function "folderTreeCreator"///

add_apk() {
 echo "[INFO] Adding $appName..." 
 mkdir -p "$ZIPDIR/$appName"
 cp "$apkFile" "$ZIPDIR/$appName/$appName.apk"

#This function creates a dummy updater-script, which serves mainly for aesthetical purposes
#///Beginning of function "updaterScriptCreator"///
function updaterScriptCreator {
 echo "[INFO] Creating dummy updater-script..."
 echo -n "#This is a dummy file. The magic is in the update-binary, which is a shell script." > "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"
#///End of function "updaterScriptCreator"///

#=== BEGINNING OF "update-binary" WRITING SECTION ===
#From now on, the functions whose name begins with "sectionWriter", are used to assemble the update-binary

#This function writes the function and variables used for outputting things when flashing, to update-binary
#Thanks to Chainfire @ XDA, which seems to have been the first to implement them
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_header"///
function sectionWriter_header {
 echo "[INFO] Writing variables and function prototypes to update-binary..."
 cat <<-EOF > "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"


ui_print() {
 echo -ne "ui_print \$1\n" > /proc/self/fd/\$OUTFD
 echo -ne "ui_print\n" > /proc/self/fd/\$OUTFD

get_buildprop() {
 prop=\$(grep "\${1//./\\.}=" /system/build.prop)
 echo "\${prop#*=}"

ui_print ""
ui_print "******************************"
ui_print " APK Flashable ZIP "
ui_print " made by EDGAR, written by "
ui_print " Death Mask Salesman "
ui_print "******************************"
ui_print ""
#///End of function "sectionWriter_header"///

#This function writes the title of the app (which contains the human-readable app name of the APK), to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_zipName"///
function sectionWriter_appName {
 echo "[INFO] Writing script title to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print ""
ui_print "******************************"

#///End of function "sectionWriter_zipName"///

#This function writes the instructions necessary to mount the system partition in read-write mode, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_systemRwMount"///
function sectionWriter_systemRwMount {
 echo "[INFO] Writing mount instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Mounting /system in read-write mode..."
mount /system
mount -o remount,rw /system
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_systemRwMount"///

#This function writes the instructions to check for the Android version, to update-binary
#Notice that only JB, KK, LP and MM are supported, for now. That means a vast plethora of devices
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_osVersionChecker"///
function sectionWriter_osVersionChecker {
 echo "[INFO] Writing OS checking instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Checking Android version..."
androidVersion="\$(get_buildprop 'ro.build.version.release')"

case "\$androidVersion" in
  ui_print "~ Android Jelly Bean (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android KitKat (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android Lollipop (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Android Marshmallow (\$androidVersion) detected: proceeding."
  ui_print "~ Your Android version (\$androidVersion) is either obsolete or still unsupported."
  ui_print "~ Unmounting /system and aborting."
  umount /system

#///End of function "sectionWriter_osVersionChecker"///

#This function gets the list of supported ABI versions (CPU Architecture)
#in increasing order of preference
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_getAbiList
function sectionWriter_getAbiList {
  echo "[INFO] Writing getAbi instructions to update-binary..."
  cat << EOF >> "$UPDATE_BINARY"
ui_print "~ Getting supported ABIs..."

reverse() {
  if [ "\$#" -gt 0 ]; then
    local arg=\$1
    reverse "\$@"
    echo -n "\$arg "

androidAbiList="\$(get_buildprop 'ro.product.cpu.abilist')"
androidAbiList="\${androidAbiList//,/ }"
if [[ -n "\$androidAbiList" ]]
  androidAbiList="\$(reverse \$androidAbiList)"
  androidAbi="\$(get_buildprop 'ro.product.cpu.abi')"
  androidAbi2="\$(get_buildprop 'ro.product.cpu.abi2')"
  androidAbiList="\$androidAbi2 \$androidAbi"

ui_print "~ Supported ABIs: \$androidAbiList"

#///End of function "sectionWriter_osVersionChecker"///

#This function writes the bunch of instructions necessary to install the app as system, to update-binary
#As can be seen from the case-esac, almost each Android release has its specific install location
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_apkInstaller"///
function sectionWriter_apkInstaller {
 echo "[INFO] Writing APK installation instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Installing $displayedName..."

case "\$androidVersion" in
  unzip -qo "\$ZIP" '$appName/$appName.apk' -d '/system/app/'
  unzip -qo "\$ZIP" '$appName/$appName.apk' -d '/system/priv-app/'
  unzip -qo "\$ZIP" '$appName/*' -d '/system/priv-app'

ui_print "~ $displayedName has been installed."
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_apkInstaller"///

#This function writes instructions to update-binary to install any libs in the apk
#As can be seen from the case-esac, almost each Android release has its specific install location
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_libInstaller"///
function sectionWriter_libInstaller {
 echo "[INFO] Writing library installation instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
ui_print "~ Installing $displayedName libraries..."

case "\$androidVersion" in

unzip -qo "\$apkFile" 'lib/*'
for abi in \$androidAbiList
  if [[ -d "lib/\$abi" ]]
    ui_print "~ \$abi..."
    mv lib/\$abi/* '/system/vendor/lib'
rm -rf lib

ui_print "~ $displayedName libs have been installed."
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_libInstaller"///

#This function writes the instructions to change ownership, permissions and eventual SELinux context, to update-binary
#As for now, the script determines if SELinux is present by looking for the setenforce binary
#I'll probably base the check on the presence of "/sys/fs/selinux", but that has to be done in a next version 
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_validateApp"///
function sectionWriter_validateApp {
 echo "[INFO] Writing APK ownership, permission and context change instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$ZIPDIR/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary"
case "\$androidVersion" in
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/app/$appName.apk"
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName.apk"
  ui_print "~ Setting ownership and permissions..."
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
  chmod 755 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
  chown 0.0 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
  chmod 644 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
  if [ -e "/system/bin/setenforce" ]; then
   ui_print "~ Setting SELinux appropriate context..."
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName"
   chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 "/system/priv-app/$appName/$appName.apk"
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_validateApp"///

#This function writes the instructions to unmount the system partition, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_systemUnmount"///
function sectionWriter_systemUnmount {
 echo "[INFO] Writing unmount instructions to update-binary..."
 cat << EOF >> "$UPDATE_BINARY"
ui_print "~ Unmounting /system..."
umount /system
ui_print ""

#///End of function "sectionWriter_systemUnmount"///

#This function writes something as a termination/goodbye message, to update-binary
#///Beginning of function "sectionWriter_goodbyeString"///
function sectionWriter_goodbyeString {
 echo "[INFO] Writing goodbye message to update-binary..."
 echo "ui_print \"Installation completed! Have a great day!\"" >> "$UPDATE_BINARY"
#///End of function "sectionWriter_goodbyeString"///

#=== END OF "update-binary" WRITING SECTION ===

#This function packs the prepared ZIP directory and
#removes it, leaving behind the flashable ZIP
#DO NOT set a compression level of "0", or the produced ZIP will be corrupted
#///Beginning of function "zipPacker"///
function zipPacker {
 echo "[INFO] Packing the ZIP..."

 cd "$ZIPDIR"
 zip -qr9 "$ZIPFILE" .
 cd "$OLDPWD"
 rm -rf "$ZIPDIR"
#///End of function "zipPacker"///

#This is the core of the EDGAR tool
#Here, all of the previously defined functions are called in the correct order
#To add a function, and thus extend EDGAR's versatility, simply define it above, and call it below
#///Beginning of EDGAR's core///
echo "**************************************"
echo " EDGAR - Flashable ZIP creator script "
echo "    by    Death    Mask    Salesman   "
echo "**************************************"
echo ""

depend aapt zip find
echo ""

init "$ZIPDIR"
echo ""

echo ""


for appName in $( find "$scriptDir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.apk' )
  appNameRetriever "$appName"

echo ""

echo ""

echo "[INFO] Operations took "$(((SECONDS/60)/60))" hours, "$(((SECONDS/60)%60))" minutes and "$((SECONDS%60))" seconds."
echo "[INFO] All done!"
#///End of EDGAR's core///

Ein paar Punkte

  • Das Skript läuft auf meinem Android Lollipop und auf Linux. Andere Android-Versionen konnte ich nicht testen.
  • Ich habe nur das Flashen der generierten ZIP mit FlashFire getestet.
  • Es installiert Bibliotheken für die ABI, die das Android-System als gültig meldet. Wo es mehrere gibt, werden alle installiert, von den am wenigsten bevorzugten bis zu den am meisten bevorzugten (also überschreibt letzteres ersteres).

Ich lerne gerade etwas über die Interna von Android und habe möglicherweise einige Dinge falsch gemacht. Denken Sie also daran, wenn Sie sich das Skript ansehen. Ich denke, das Skript könnte etwas aufgeräumt werden, aber ich wollte es nur @DeathMaskSalesman zur Verfügung stellen, damit es sich ansehen kann.

Scheint ziemlich gut zu sein, würde ich sagen. Ich werde es testen, wenn mein anderes Skript, NEMRIS, so ist, wie ich es will! Und ein großes Lob dafür, dass es mit minimalem Aufwand unter Linux lauffähig ist.
Hallo @DeathMaskSalesman, ich habe einige Änderungen an meinem Skript vorgenommen, um Installationen für beide zu unterstützen /system/appund /system/priv-appum das Einfügen von benutzerdefinierten Befehlen um die Installation herum zu unterstützen (z. B. um unerwünschte Stock-Apps zu löschen). Ich habe meine neueste Version auf GitHub gepusht