Eine Software, die beim Aufbau der Rechenfähigkeit hilft?

Ich brauche eine Software, um grundlegende Mathematik wie 21 * 21 , 453 + 234usw. zu üben, damit ich meine Rechengeschwindigkeit verbessern kann.

Gibt es eine Software für Linux, die mir dabei helfen kann?

Die Software sollte einfache Fragen stellen und einen Timer haben, um die Leistung aufzuzeichnen.

Die Software kann, wenn möglich, einen Abschnitt mit Tipps oder Tricks enthalten, der einfache und einfache Tricks aufzeigt, um Berechnungen zu beschleunigen.

Antworten (2)

Für sehr einfache Arithmetik (für Kinder) gibt es Tux-Mathematik , aber es könnte ein wenig zu einfach sein für das, wonach Sie suchen - Sie geben keine Altersgruppe oder Leistungsstufe an.


Wenn Sie die Möglichkeit haben möchten, das Level anzupassen, können Sie natürlich Folgendes in eine Datei namens math_quiz.py einfügen:

#!/usr/bin/env python
  Author:  Steve Barnes
  Purpose: Provide some maths practice
  Created: 11/07/2015

  This module should allow some maths practice against the clock.
  Set the level of difficulty by adding a number 0-9 to the command line.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import random
import datetime
import os
import pickle

# Note that other operands such as dev, modulo, int dev, etc could be added but
# the check for correct would need to use floats and to specify a limit to the 
# number of characters and rounding level of result to avoid irrational numbers
LOD2Options = { # Dictionary of the level of difficulty v. range and operations
            0:(5, ['+',], 1, 5),
            1:(10, ['+', '-'], 1, 5),
            2:(100, ['+', '-'], 1, 4),
            3:(1000, ['+', '-'], 2, 3),
            4:(20, ['+', '-', '*'], 2, 2),
            5:(200, ['+', '-', '*'], 2, 2),
            6:(250, ['+', '-', '*'], 3, 2),
            7:(1000, ['+', '-', '*'], 3, 1),
            8:(3000, ['+', '-', '*'], 3, 1),
            9:(6000, ['+', '-', '*'], 4, 1),

def CreateProblem(MaxNum, Ops, Parts):
    """ Generate the problem."""
    Steps = [str(random.randint(0, MaxNum))] # First number
    for n in range(Parts):
        Steps.append(random.choice(Ops)) # Add an operand
        Steps.append(str(random.randint(0, MaxNum))) # Next Number
    Problem = ' '.join(Steps) # Generate the string
    Solution = str(eval(Problem)) # and the answer
    return (Problem, Solution)

def DoQuiz(LoD):
    """ Actually perform the quiz - return the score the and time taken."""
    (MaxNum, Ops, Parts, Tries) = LOD2Options.get(LoD)
    NoQuestions = 10
    QnAs = [CreateProblem(MaxNum, Ops, Parts) for n in range(NoQuestions)]
    Score = 0
    Started = datetime.datetime.now()
    for n in range(NoQuestions):
        Correct = False
        (Quest, Ans) = QnAs[n]
        for trys in range(Tries):
            response = raw_input(Quest+' = ')
            Correct = response == Ans
            if Correct:
                Score += 1
        print(Correct and "Correct" or " = ".join([Quest, Ans]))
    Finished = datetime.datetime.now()
    return (Score, Finished-Started)

def GetLod(arg):
    """ Get the level of difficulty."""
    LoD = arg
    while LoD not in [str(x) for x in range(10)]:
        LoD = raw_input('Please enter diffulty level [0..9]:')
    return int(LoD)

def ShowSaveStats(LoD, Score, Time):
    """ Show the scores, including cumative, and save for future."""
    score_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'MathQuiz.scores')
    scores = None
    if os.path.exists(score_filename):
        with open(score_filename) as scorefile:
            scores = pickle.load(scorefile)
    if not scores:
        scores = {}
        for n in range(10):
            scores[n] = (0, 0, None, None, 0, None)
    (Runs, MaxScore, BestTimeForScore, WhenBest, LatestScore,
     LatestTime) = scores[LoD]
    print('Results form this run: %s/10 in %s at level %s' % (Score, Time, LoD))
    print('Last Run at %s: %s/10 in %s' % (LoD, LatestScore,
    print('Best %s/10 Level %s was %s on %s' % (MaxScore, LoD,
    NewBest = False
    if Score > MaxScore:
        print('%s/10 is a new best score for level %s' % (Score, LoD))
        NewBest = True
    if Score == MaxScore and Time < BestTimeForScore:
        print('Fastest time for %s/10 at level %s' % (Score, LoD))
        if not BestTimeForScore or Time < BestTimeForScore:
            print('NEW BEST TIME FOR %s/10 AT THIS LEVEL %s vs %s' % (
                Score, Time, BestTimeForScore))
            NewBest = True
    if NewBest:
        newentry = (Runs+1, Score, Time,
                    datetime.datetime.now(), Score, Time)
        newentry = (Runs + 1, MaxScore,
                    BestTimeForScore, WhenBest,
                    Score, Time)
    scores[LoD] = newentry
        with open(score_filename, 'w') as scorefile:
            pickle.dump(scores, scorefile)
    except (IOError), e:
        print('Error writing to %s' % score_filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() in ['-h', '?', '--help']:
        sys.argv.append(' ')
        LoD = GetLod(sys.argv[1])
        Score, Time = DoQuiz(LoD)
        ShowSaveStats(LoD, Score, Time)

Und dann entweder ausführen mit:

python math_quiz.py

oder ändern Sie den Dateityp in ausführbar.

Sie können dann erwägen, die Ebenen zu ändern und/oder den Code zu verbessern, um weitere Operatoren, Zeitlimits usw. hinzuzufügen.