Mac OS Sierra stürzt plötzlich immer wieder ab (Panik)

Nicht immer, aber normalerweise, wenn ich versuche, mein Macbook Pro aus dem Bildschirmschoner zu wecken, gerät es in Panik. Ich habe versucht, herauszufinden, was es verursachen könnte, aber ich bin hier ratlos.

Hier ist ein EtreCheck-Protokoll, ich hoffe, es ist nützlich.

    EtreCheck version: 3.4.6 (460)
Report generated 2017-11-07 12:35:23
Download EtreCheck from
Runtime: 1:51
Performance: Excellent

Click the [Lookup] links for more information from Apple Support Communities.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.
Click the [Remove/Report] links to remove adware or update the whitelist of legitimate software.

Problem: Computer is restarting
Damn thing keeps crashing.

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports) 
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro13,2
    1 2,9 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-6267U) CPU: 2-core
    8 GB RAM Not upgradeable
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            4 GB LPDDR3 2133 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            4 GB LPDDR3 2133 MHz ok
    Handoff/Airdrop2: supported
    Wireless:  en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
    Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 18
    iCloud Quota: 4.89 GB available

Video Information: ⓘ
    Intel Iris Graphics 550 - VRAM: 1536 MB
        Color LCD 2880 x 1800
        DELL U2715H 2560 x 1440 @ 59 Hz
        DELL U2715H 2560 x 1440 @ 59 Hz

Disk Information: ⓘ
    APPLE SSD AP0256J disk0: (251 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
        (disk0s1) <not mounted>  [EFI]: 315 MB
        (disk0s2) <not mounted>  [CoreStorage Container]: 250.04 GB
        Recovery HD (disk0s3 - Journaled HFS+) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 

USB Information: ⓘ
        Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub 
            Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard 
        Apple Inc. iBridge 

Thunderbolt Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus_1
    Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus_0

Virtual disks: ⓘ
    Macintosh HD (disk1 - Journaled HFS+) /  [Startup]: 249.68 GB (181.87 GB free)
        Encrypted AES-XTS (Unlocked)
        Physical disk: disk0s2 250.04 GB Online
    workspace (disk2s2 - Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+) /Users/jordyvandomselaar/workspace : 64.08 GB (52.08 GB free)
        Physical disk: Disk Image 64.08 GB (52.08 GB free)

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS Sierra  10.12.6 (16G29) - Time since boot: less than an hour

Configuration files: ⓘ
    /etc/hosts - Count: 87

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Possible adware: ⓘ
    Unknown file: /Library/LaunchAgents/ss_conn_service
    One possible adware file found. [Remove/Report]

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.globaldelight.driver.Boom2Device (1.2 - SDK 10.10) [Lookup]

        /Library/Application Support/Samsung/SideSync/Samsung USB Driver/ssud_installation
    [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungComposite (1.4.42 - SDK 10.6) [Lookup]

        /Library/Application Support/Samsung/SideSync/Samsung USB Driver/ssud_installation/ssuddrv.kext/Contents/PlugIns
    [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMControl (1.4.42 - SDK 10.6) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMData (1.4.42 - SDK 10.6) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungMTP (1.4.42 - SDK 10.5) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungSerial (1.4.42 - SDK 10.6) [Lookup]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    7 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    174 Apple tasks
    [running]    101 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    40 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    159 Apple tasks
    [running]    117 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    ss_conn_service (? 468ef167 ? - installed 2016-11-18) [Lookup]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [running]    com.devguru.ssconnservice.plist (? 51f4c13e 468ef167 - installed 2016-11-18) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.hidden.daemon.plist (? 2b76c037 18cdcc44 - installed 2017-11-07) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.workspace.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2017-08-02)
    [running]    de.appsolute.mampprohelper.plist (appsolute GmbH - installed 2017-08-02) [Lookup]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2017-09-28) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.jetbrains.toolbox.plist (JetBrains s.r.o. - installed 2017-11-07) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.spotify.webhelper.plist (Spotify - installed 2017-11-07) [Lookup]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    Monosnap    Application - Hidden 
    MAMP PRO    Application - Hidden 
        (/Applications/MAMP PRO/MAMP
    Spotify    Application - Hidden 
    Backup and sync from Google    Application - Hidden 
        (/Applications/Backup and
    Dash    Application 
    Alfred 3    Application 
    MonosnapLauncher    SMLoginItem - Hidden (Apple, Inc. - installed 2017-08-02)
    AirDroidHelper    SMLoginItem - Hidden (Jun Xiong - installed 2017-10-23)
    CloudKitJS Callback URL    SMLoginItem - Hidden (AgileBits Inc. - installed 2017-08-28)

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (installed 2017-08-02)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Auto backup: YES
    Volumes being backed up:
        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 249.68 GB Disk used: 67.81 GB
        TimeMachine [Network] 
        Total size: 804.96 GB 
        Total number of backups: 27 
        Oldest backup: 02/08/2017, 21:13 
        Last backup: 07/11/2017, 07:24 
        Size of backup disk: Excellent
            Backup size 804.96 GB > (Disk size 249.68 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
         8%     WindowServer
         6%     Slack Helper
         4%     Slack
         3%     kernel_task
         2%     Spotify Helper

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    832 MB      kernel_task
    181 MB      Finder
    167 MB      phpstorm
    153 MB      Google Chrome
    151 MB      datagrip

Top Processes by Network Use: ⓘ
    Input       Output      Process name
    2 MB        22 KB       mDNSResponder
    1 MB        310 KB      Spotify
    932 KB      2 KB        AirDroid
    498 KB      3 KB        Sonos
    407 KB      2 KB        softwareupdated

Top Processes by Energy Use: ⓘ
     20.38  WindowServer
      6.58  phpstorm
      6.26  Slack Helper
      5.72  Google Chrome
      5.62  Backup and Sync

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    1.36 GB     Available RAM
    27 MB       Free RAM
    6.64 GB     Used RAM
    1.33 GB     Cached files
    211 MB      Swap Used

Software installs (last 30 days): ⓘ
    Boxy: 2.0.1 (installed 2017-11-06)

    Install information may not be complete.

Diagnostics Events (last 3 days for minor events): ⓘ
    2017-11-07 11:48:29    Kernel Panic [Open] [Details]
        3rd Party Kernel Extensions: 
                com.globaldelight.driver.Boom2Device    1.1
    2017-11-07 11:48:27    Last shutdown cause: 3 - Hard shutdown
    2017-11-06 08:25:03    Backup and Crash [Open]
        Cause:        objc[685]: Invalid or prematurely-freed autorelease pool 0x1020ff8e8. Set a breakpoint on objc_autoreleasePoolInvalid to debug. Proceeding anyway because the app is old (SDK version 10.9.0). Memory errors are likely.

Ich habe es entfernt, Unknown file: /Library/LaunchAgents/ss_conn_serviceanscheinend wurde es von Samsung installiert.

Das erste, was Sie bei einer Kernel-Panik tun müssen, ist, alle Nicht-Apple-Kexts loszuwerden ... Boom sollte der erste sein, der geht, es ist ein bekannter Crasher.
@Tetsujin könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich es entfernen kann? Ich bin ein Neuling in Bezug auf Macs.
Das wäre wirklich ein Problem des Kundensupports. Eine einfache Google-Suche hat dies gefunden -…
Ja, ich habe es nach einer Weile gefunden. Ich bin gerannt sudo kextunload -b com.globaldelight.driver.Boom2Device- trotzdem danke!
Scheint so behoben zu sein. Möchten Sie Ihren Kommentar als Antwort hinzufügen? So kann ich es akzeptieren =)

Antworten (1)

Das erste, was Sie bei einer Kernel-Panik tun müssen, ist, alle Nicht-Apple-Kexts loszuwerden ...

Boom 2 sollte als erstes gehen, es ist ein bekannter Kracher.

Es hat anscheinend ein Deinstallationsprogramm in der App selbst, aber wenn das nicht funktioniert,
sudo kextunload -b com.globaldelight.driver.Boom2Device
sollte es reichen.

Vielen Dank an das OP g3mini für den kext-Entladebefehl.

Danke nochmal für deine Hilfe! Es hat mich wahnsinnig gemacht hahahaha