Was war Shri Ramas Antwort nach dem Tod von Kumbhakarna und Ravana?

Ich erinnere mich, dass ich in einer der Versionen von Ramayana im Fernsehen gesehen habe, wie Shri Rama Kumbhakarna als großen Krieger lobte, nachdem er getötet worden war. Hat Shri Rama in irgendeiner Weise auf ihren Tod reagiert? Wenn ja, wie war die Reaktion?

Antworten (1)

In Valmikis Ramayana habe ich keinen Hinweis bekommen, dass Rama Kumbhakarna nach seinem Tod gelobt hat, aber als Ravana getötet wurde, klagt sein Bruder Vibhishana viel, dann tröstet Rama ihn wie folgt:

रामःशोकसमाविष्टमित्युवाच विभीषणम् || ६-१०९-१४

Ravana did not die in battle, without making an effort. He has fallen in combat,
eventhough he was endowed with terrible prowess and exhibited extra ordinary
enthusiasm of a very exalted type and remained confident throughout.

अत्युन्नतमहोत्साहः पतितोऽयमशङ्कितः || ६-१०९-१५

There is no occasion to grieve for him having fallen into death in the battle-field
and by whom the development of his country was wished for, while remaining steadfast
in the duty of Kshatriya the warrior.

नैवं विनष्टाः शोच्यन्ते क्षत्रधर्मव्यवस्थित |
वृद्धिमाशंसमाना ये निपतन्ति || ६-१०९-१६

There is no occasion to grieve for his having been brought under the sway of death
by whom intelligent as he was, all the three worlds including indra were frightened.

येन सेन्द्रास्त्रयो लोकास्त्रासिता युधि धीम |
|| ६-१०९-१७

In the past, none has ever been exclusively victorious in a combat. A hero either
has been killed by his adversaries or had killed the enemies in battle.

नैकान्तविजयो युद्धे भूतपूर्वः कदाचन |
|| ६-१०९-१८

Such is the destiny proclaimed by the ancients, as highly esteemed for a warrior.
A warrior killed in battle, does not deserve to be mourned. Such is the
ascertainment of the sacred scriptures.
Und Ravana habe sich demnach die Entwicklung seines Landes gewünscht, das Gegenteil wird vielerorts behauptet
Mal sehen, ob jemand im Zusammenhang mit Kumbhakarna antwortet
Ja auf das selbe warte ich auch